Great Divide Tours training facility

summary: Great Divide Tours were kind enough to open up their Braidwood training facility for us
date: 10 November 2013
region: Braidwood - NSW
distance: Not much
duration: 1 day
tags: ADVENTURE - FJCC - 2013
views: 1600

Open House

Vic Widman from Great Divide Tours was kind enough to open up their Braidwood facility to FJCC members for the weekend. Along with Vic was Alex and Ian to provide some great tips and guidance as we drove around a number of the tracks on the property.

I only made it down late Saturday, just in time to get some warmth from the camp fire before watching Vic's "Simpson Desert" DVD from 2012.

On Sunday we were treated to a presentation from Ian all about tyres and specifically the Coopers range of tyres. Lots of great information was provided, before we jumped into the FJ's and hit the track.

It wasnt long before we got a few wheels off the ground, and then plunged deep into a mud bog. We learned some interesting tricks for getting out of what I would normally have given up in! And eventually made our way to the bottom of Coopers Hill. This is an ominous looking climb that has apparently claimed more than its fair share of breakages! Not to be put off by that, Ahmed hit the trail first with great success. I followed, with a little more difficulty, but made it to the top before descending a little quickly for Vic's liking!

Overall it was a great weekend that we had, and something that we can all highly reccommend anyone taking the opportunity to head down to Great Divide Tours for one of their full training packages.