Kanangra Boyd National Park

summary: After many weeks of not getting out and about, I decided to take a weekend run up to the Blue Mountains. I picked a fantastic weekend to do it, just after an amazing snow fall during the week.
date: 18th July 2014
region: Kanangra Boyd National Park - Blue Mountains
distance: 566 kms
tags: ADVENTURE - BM - 2014
views: 2257


After several weeks sitting around and not getting out and about, it was time to hit the road. I picked a great weekend, because despite it being winter time, the weather had been pretty mild. However, up in the mountains and to the west, they had recently had some amazing snow falls - which do not happen all that often!

So after work on Friday (ok, I left early) I headed up to Kanangra Boyd National Park which is the large wilderness area that makes up the Blue Mountains.

The drive up was pretty easy, not much traffic but it still takes a good four hours to get up there, and arriving in the dark is always tough. Although it was a pleasant surprise to see snow on the sides of the road even before getting to Jenolan Caves!

So later on once I got closer to Kanangra Boyd, the snow got more and more until it was covering a lot of the ground.


So after getting a nice early night (it was cold!) I got up early and headed out to do some adventuring. First off was to take some photos of the camp and area around me, as we do not get this kind of weather all that often.

After that, I headed out to Kanangra Walls and decided to take a walk out along the Plateau Walk. I’ve done this one before, but its a nice walk to do when the weather was good like it was.

There was very few people around, so it was also nice and quite. The weather was good, although a little windy. There are some great little spots to stop along the way to get some great views down through the amazing valley. The weather was also so clear, I could easily see the amazing waterfalls that run out from bellow the walls lookout.

After spending some time here, I wandered back along the track, then drove down to the head of the Morong Falls walk.

The track had not been used for some time, I had to do some track clearing before arriving at the locked gate. The walk down to the falls is about 30 minutes, and undulating fire trail all the way - very easy really, if not just a little boring. However, once I arrived at the falls, they were pumping! With the recent rain up here, there was lots of water in the system so the falls were really giving a great performance.

I spent a half hour or so here taking photos and video before the weather cooled off just enough to make we head back to the car.

With camp just being a couple of minutes away from the trail head, it was a quick drive back to camp, which gave me plenty of time to get a great fire going for the night which helped keep off that winter chill.


With the weekend coming to an end, I headed back with a stop at Katoomba to check out the Three Sisters. I did a little walking around here, but pretty much just tried to stay away from the crowds of people. Not sure what it is about big groups of people, seems to breed rudeness from everyone.

Anyway, with the weekend all but over, I started the long drive back home and the need to return to civilised society.

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  • 2014-07-18 
  • 2014-07-19 
  • 2014-07-20 
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  • falls 
  • photos 
  • plateau 
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