2016 Moreton Island Adventure

summary: Another school holiday, and another trip to the beautiful Moreton Island. Just two of us on this trip, but we both made the most of this amazing place.
date: 16-25 April 2016
distance: 2560 kms
people: Jack, Graham
duration: 10 days
views: 1786

Moreton Island


2016-04-21 16:52:11 Island driving today, great swim at honeymoon bay. Tried to fly the Hexo, but it says it needs a firmware update - which I can only do at home *#%*&!!

2016-04-20 19:36:55 another perfect day here with swimming at North point and lunch at castaways restaurant.

2016-04-20 08:16:43 Big day yesterday, beautiful weather, chopper ride past our camp and saw turtles, dolphins, dugongs and sting rays. Then snorkeled the wrecks.

2016-04-18 13:14:58 Got our favourite spot again :)

2016-04-17 16:11:14 Good drive so far, now playing tourist on the Brisbane Wheel

2016-04-17 13:25:56 Made it to Brisbane safely, now to checkout the city.

2016-04-16 16:54:43 End of day one, Coffs Harbour and The Big Windmill motel.

2016-04-16 06:14:53 Let the holiday begin! Perfect weather here to start the drive, Monday morning we will be on Moreton Island.

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