2018 Mount Jagungal

date: January 2 2018 to January 4 2018
summary: Any trip to the Jagungal Wilderness is a good trip, this one is no exception
distance: 45 kms
tags: HIKE - REPORT - JAGUNGAL - KOSI - 2018
views: 2203

This was the final part of my Christmas holiday, and spending a few days in the wilderness is something I was really looking forward to.

Getting to Round Mountain was easy enough, I didnt need to leave Jindabyne too early so I casually packed up, and a great breakfast before heading on the couple of hours drive to the start of the walk. Once there I was surprised by the lack of cars this year, not many at all which was good for me!

Setting off with perfect weather, signed the book and headed on to Round Mountain hut, then on to the Tumut river. It wasnt very high, but still required the shoes off, and a quick chat with another hiker. Once part way up the farm ridge trail I stopped for a quick drone shot. Then continued on slowly up the hill until I reached my usual camping site. I'm not sure this is the best location along the trail, need to pick a different spot next time. The wild flowers were amazing though, all colours, and so beautiful. I did strike camp quite early though, so it was a nice casual afternoon while I waited for the sun to go down, and the fire to get stoked up!

Next day I was up early, and packed up after drying out the moisture from overnight. It was yet another beautiful day. Morning tea was at Okeefes hut, which was empty - apparently some campers last night, and a tent still pitched on the lawn. I kept going to the Tumut river campsite for lunch where I also spent some time chatting to another hiker who was having some difficulty with his health and fitness! He still had a long way to go today too!

After lunch, I slowly headed up the trail to the ridge of Jagungal. It was actually easier than I remember, with only the last 20 metres or so being a steep scramble. I did take it easy though as I was in no rush.

Arriving at the summit early afternoon, the usual wind picked up which made flying the drone difficult, but I did get some veryu average footage! Will need to go back again for better shots!

And finally I pitched camp over the back on the saddle, I was pretty tired by now but as the sun started casting its magic light, the feeling left me as the entire area lit up with a beautiful orange glow. I sat back on my rock lounge suite, and watched the day turn into night.

The next morning I was slowly up again, the original plan was to camp another night but on my way down the mountain I decided that I would continue back to the car this afternoon. So I slowly pushed myself past the usuall spots, stopping for some drone shots, some photos, and generally enjoying the amazing area.

Arrived back at the car early afternoon again and so I sorted out myself quickly enough and head off on the six hour drive back home and to civilisation.

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