Life on the road

Date: Van built in 2019 - Journey ongoing...
summary: Now I have a van I need to record all of our activity
distance: 3366 kms
instagram: trevor.the.van
tags: TREVOR - BLOG - 2019
views: 1457

The Trips

Not sure entirely how this page is going to look over time - lets just start by adding an entry and link to each of the trips I have been on in Trevor.

  1. 2019-09-25 - Vanlife Gathering - Amazing weekend in Crescent Head meeting the vanlife community - distance 1172kms
  2. 2019-12-23 - Kosciuszko - Christmas trip around Kosciuszko - including some hiking - distance 1000kms
  3. 2019-09-25 - Warrumbungles - First trip via Tomaree Mountain and The Myall Lakes - distance 1194kms

Google Maps

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If this text does not disappear quickly, then your browser does not support Google Maps, or Google changed their MAPS API without telling me